What’s the reschedule and cancellation policy?
I'd like to book multiple sessions. Can I get a discount?
How do I cancel my Prepfully session and get a refund?
How do I get a refund from Prepfully?
How do I provide additional requirements?
What if I did not find the session with the expert useful?
My expert hasn't joined the session.
Are Prepfully sessions recorded?
How do I connect with Prepfully’s experts?
How does pausing sessions work?
What if I do not find the expert profile suitable to take the session?
How’s my privacy protected?
What is Prepfully?
Will I know the profile of the expert who’ll take my session?
How can I give any feedback to Prepfully?
Can a session with an expert working at my target company affect my hiring process?
How can I verify an expert’s identity?
Is Prepfully free?
When do I need to pay for the session?