Frequently asked questions

How do I cancel my Prepfully session and get a refund?

The easiest way to cancel, is to go to your session link. You can access this either from your dashboard, or from the email you would have received when you booked it.

There's a cancel button in there - f you've already paid, the refund is issued immediately, with any fees being deducted if they are applicable. In most situations if it's your first cancellation and the session is a while away, we waive even the standard cancellation charge. This becomes harder to do if the session is less than 24h away, since 50% of a coach payment gets locked in at this point.

Important: The refund is issued instantaneously via Stripe (which we use as our payment provider). However, depending on your card provider, banks can take up to 5-10 days to show this refund in your statement.

If you don't see the refund for any reason, please just drop us a note on [email protected]. We are all quite responsive, so you should hear back from us in less than a day (although we try to respond within a couple of minutes for topics like refunds unless we're asleep!)