Spotify Data Scientist interview questions.

  • 600K+ questions
  • Recent submissions
  • 165 Spotify Data Scientist questions
  • Employee-verified
If you were designing a minivan, what features would you include?

How did it feel when you were working on a project that was heavily opposed by multiple powerful stakeholders?

If you are given an offer from Spotify, which team would be your "dream team" that you'd want to be a part of?

Think of an online service you've used for a while, and suggest a new feature. What would your minimum viable product be?

Please tell me about a time when you were challenged while in public.

Can you share a case in which you discovered that a topic offered a greater opportunity than thought initially?

Tell me about a time where you were unpopular thanks to a decision you imposed on your team

Where would you start with building a platform for job searching?

What is your favorite product? What improvements would you make? What would you do to make it better?

Share a time when you were challenged in public.

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Showing 71 to 80 of 1034 results

*All interview questions are submitted by recent Spotify Data Scientist candidates, labelled and categorized by Prepfully, and then published after being verified by Data Scientists at Spotify.