Uber Product Manager Interview Guide

Interview Guide Jun 22

Detailed information on the latest Uber PM interview process; including tips on Uber-specific rounds such as the JAM session.

The role of an Uber Product Manager

A PM at Uber is responsible for owning end to end product strategy, delivery, and impact for a component or product within the Uber ecosystem. You'd own a key aspect of the ecosystem which directly ties back into a key metric for the company.

A PM at Uber is broadly responsible for analyzing market conditions, supervising the production of the product and defining its features. The factor that complicates the working of a PM is the amount of decision-making in the process. This is one of the reasons the interviews are rather challenging, consisting of a wide range of questions from different topics.

From a day-to-day point of view - Product at Uber will involve staying on top of the market landscape (i.e. keeping track of both macro trends and competition); identifying customer needs; building out a product vision & strategy - and then executing on it, all the way from working with UX for designing a great customer experience, with Engineering for high performance and reliability, to Data for extracting insight from experimentation and identifying iterations.

This interview guide takes you step by step through the interview process of a Product Manager at Uber, providing you all the necessary tips and sample questions to give you the perfect head start.

How to Apply for a Product Manager Job at Uber?

To apply for a Product Manager job at Uber, browse the job listings on Uber's career website and find the Product Manager position that best matches your qualifications and experience. Once you have found a position that you are interested in, you will be able to submit an application online. However, we would highly recommend taking the referral route if you know someone in the company as it increases your chances meaningfully. One tip regarding your resume - make a few tweaks for the position and the role you are applying for which will help you have a better chance compared to other candidates. If you're not sure how to do that, Prepfully offers a resume review service, where actual recruiters will give you feedback on your resume.

Your interview process can change a bit based on the position and location, so you should always check the specific job listing for more information on the application process.

Uber Product Manager Interview Guide

Uber is a very data-driven company and provides a wide range of services: ride-sharing, food delivery and even logistics. Product Managers convert ideas into real-life products and services that add immense value to Uber’s customer and partner ecosystem.

As a part of the Uber Product Manager interview, you will need to go through multiple interview rounds:

1. Phone Screening - The first round is to have a quick discussion about your work experiences and the roles you’ve had in the past company.

2. Telephonic Interview - In this round, you can expect to have a screening with a peer or a hiring manager.

3. Onsite Interview - The final round is an onsite interview where you will face a number of interviews, plus a round unique to Uber - The “Jam” session.

However, to qualify for the above steps you first need a quality resume and cover letter, highlighting your PM positions. Once you are shortlisted, you will be called for interviews within a week.

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Uber Product Manager: Phone Screening


The first step into the process will probably be an interview with a recruiter or a hiring manager. This is usually quite casual and the interviewer will ask you questions based on your resume and cover letter. You should be ready to talk about your past experiences and expect some behavioral questions as well. Here, communication is the key.

If you pass this stage, you will be working towards the next step and hear from them within a week.

This interview is quite similar to the one which occurs for the TCS PM and HCL PM.

What the interviewer will assess

  • Given the nature of the work, if your behavior is a match.
  • As an applicant, what do you expect the job to entail?
  • Your background and past experiences.


  • Keep your past work handy so that whenever the topic comes you are already prepared to discuss it.
  • Try to practice communication. Being able to talk is always a useful tool to carry.
  • Have a clear and crisp reason for applying to Uber and how you can excel there.

Interview Questions

  • Why do you want to join Uber?
  • Why do you think you will be a good fit for the role?
  • What responsibilities do you expect to have from your job at Uber?
  • What makes you the best candidate for this position?
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Uber Product Manager: Telephonic Interview


This step is a telephonic interview or a video conference call with an Uber Product Manager or Hiring Manager. This interview focuses more on PM and analytical questions and your knowledge in the field. Some highlights are:

  • The interview will last for about 45 to 50 mins.
  • There will be a bunch of behavioral questions.
  • The main focus will be on some common PM questions including some technical and analytical ones.
  • Most candidates receive the results within a week.

This interview is quite similar to the one which occurs for the Pinterest PM and Zalando PM.

What the interviewer will assess

  • Your previous work experience and how it relates to the job.
  • Your experience in the area, as well as your ability to demonstrate PM core competencies.
  • Your ability to think critically and interpret information on-the-fly.
  • Your dedication to your job.


  • Uber is a company that is heavily dependent on data. Learn how to interpret metrics and how they can be linked to one another. This is critical because Uber PMs use internal dashboards and software to make decisions based on data regularly.
  • There's a fair chance the interviewer will ask you about some of Uber's and its competitors' latest goods and services, and you'll be asked for your opinions on them. So doing some research and preparing a few points beforehand, would be useful.

Interview Questions

  • How can you boost Uber's user base?
  • According to one figure, there are more Uber drop-offs at the airport than Uber pick-ups at the airport. Why is this the case, and what can you do to improve it inside the product?
  • In 2025, how big will the demand for self-driving cars be?
  • If you could change anything you wanted about Uber, what would this be?
  • Give an example of a product that is poorly constructed.

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Uber Product Manager: Onsite Interview


The final round is an onsite interview where you will face a round unique to Uber - The “Jam” session. You can expect to have 1v1s with peer stakeholders you would be working with. The interviews are very interactive and conversational. You'll speak with not only product managers, but also data scientists, marketers, and engineers during the interviews. You will explore measurements and how you operate with data scientists to make data-driven decisions. You'll discuss how you build go-to-market strategies with marketers. Engineers, meanwhile - would like to see how you approach technological issues. You'll be checked on PM basics such as product awareness, analytical skills, and strategy questions along with a bunch of technical ones. Some important points are:

  • Each interview will last up to 45 mins.
  • You'll be checked on PM basics such as product awareness, analytical skills, and strategy questions along with a bunch of technical ones.
  • The interviews are concluded with a jam session.

What the interviewer will assess

  • Your understanding of the organization.
  • Your track record and success rate.
  • Your interviewer is attempting to gauge your understanding of different topics such as:
  1. Decision making
  2. Estimation and analysis
  3. Technical problems
  4. Marketing skills


  • Interviewers like to see your practical approach towards a particular problem. Discuss how you will introduce a product to the market and how you will address any launch issues. Consider if you can re-engage consumers who have abandoned the product and are no longer using it.
  • You'll be judged for how you interact with others, how you handle constructive criticism in the workplace, and how you think. Make sure you keep calm and collected, and methodically address any challenges your interviewer might make - it's easy to panic in these circumstances!
  • This stage checks your impact, execution, leadership, scope and technical depth. Be sure to master all your skills beforehand.

Interview Questions

  • For Uber, how would you design surge pricing?
  • Uber is looking to expand into India. What should the course of action be?
  • How will you design a library for the future?
  • You function for Uber as a PM. Come up with a couple of revenue-boosting techniques.
  • On Uber, drivers are abandoning a neighborhood. What's the best way to find out what's going on?
  • You have a grocery delivery service that brings food to your door within 24 hours. To run it, how many trucks will you need?
  • Customer turnover is caused by late deliveries. What data do we look at for a food delivery app to prove this hypothesis?
  • How will you build a car-sharing app for disabled people similar to Uber?
  • Uber has about 40% fake reviews. How can you approach the issue as a PM at Uber? Make a three-part answer — 1. How can you spot a bogus review? 2. How are you going to proceed? 3. What effect will a reduction in the number of fake reviews have?
  • How will you launch Uber in a new city?
  • Design a referral system for a grocery app.
  • What is Uber's strategy for breaking into the private ambulance market?

Remember, the interviews are more like a casual conversation but the interviewers are testing your skills. So, make sure you are alert at all times and keep your answers short, crisp and, to the point.

This interview is quite similar to the one which occurs for the PayPal PM.

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Approaching the Uber JAM session

You will receive a prompt for the Uber JAM session, which is similar to a take-home interview. It's essential to approach it with careful preparation and a clear understanding of the expectations. Here's a guide on how to navigate this creative exercise.

  1. The Uber JAM session is a combination of a presentation and a conversational setting. You'll be given a prompt in advance, and your task is to create a 25 minute pitch for an example project that you would manage. Keep in mind that during the session, there will be a panel of interviewers who will actively engage with you by asking questions and seeking clarifications.
  2. Take the time to thoroughly prepare your thoughts and structure your presentation. Consider the key points you want to cover and how you will articulate them effectively within the given time frame. Focus on presenting a coherent and compelling narrative that highlights your skills, expertise, and strategic thinking.
  3. The JAM session can go on longer than 25 minutes because the interview panel will likely have questions throughout your presentation. Consider potential areas of interest or points that might require clarification and prepare thoughtful responses in advance.
  4. During the session, actively engage with the interview panel by listening attentively to their questions and providing thoughtful answers.

Difference in SPM vs GPM expectations at Uber

The expectations for an SPM and a GPM at Uber vary based on their respective roles and responsibilities within the company. Here are some key differences in expectations between the two roles:

  1. As a GPM, you are likely to have a broader scope of responsibility compared to an SPM. For example, GPMs typically oversee multiple product teams and have a significant impact on Uber's overall product strategy and direction. On the other hand, SPMs typically focus on managing specific product features or areas and contribute to the execution of the product roadmap.
  2. GPMs are expected to be leaders who can inspire and motivate their teams. SPMs, while still expected to demonstrate leadership skills, may have a more hands-on role in managing their immediate product teams.
  3. GPMs are often involved in shaping Uber's product vision and strategy, collaborating closely with senior leadership and stakeholders. SPMs contribute to the strategic direction by executing on the product vision, translating it into actionable plans, and ensuring successful product delivery.
  4. GPMs are expected to make critical decisions that impact the entire product organization. SPMs make decisions within their respective feature areas and are responsible for executing those decisions effectively.

Overall, GPMs have a more strategic and leadership-oriented role, while SPMs focus on executing product initiatives and collaborating closely with their immediate teams.

Additional interviews for Uber Group Product Manager role

If you’re interviewing for the GPM role - you can expect a few additional people management interviews. Here's what you can anticipate during the people management interviews:

  1. You will need to discuss your leadership style and provide examples of how you have managed and motivated teams in the past. 
  2. Uber is interested in your ability to develop and grow talent within your teams. You can expect questions on how you approach team development, mentorship, and coaching. Prepare examples of situations where you managed conflicts within your team.
  3. You can also provide examples of your experience in setting performance expectations, conducting performance evaluations, and providing constructive feedback.
  4. You can expect questions that assess your communication style, including your experience presenting complex ideas, managing stakeholders, and gaining buy-in for your product strategies.

Interview Tips

When you are preparing for a Uber Data Science interview - we’d recommend the following things to keep in mind:

  • Uber is a company that is heavily dependent on data. Learn how to interpret metrics and how they can be linked to one another. This is critical because Uber PMs use internal dashboards and software to make decisions based on data regularly.
  • There's a fair chance the interviewer will ask you about some of Uber's and its competitors' latest goods and services, and you'll be asked for your opinions on them. So doing some research and preparing a few points beforehand, would be useful.
  • Interviewers like to see your practical approach towards a particular problem. Discuss how you will introduce a product to the market and how you will address any launch issues. Consider if you can re-engage consumers who have abandoned the product and are no longer using it.
  • You'll be judged for how you interact with others, how you handle constructive criticism in the workplace, and how you think. Make sure you keep calm and collected, and methodically address any challenges your interviewer might make - it's easy to panic in these circumstances.
  • Research the company's mission, values, products and services, and current projects. This will help you understand the company's culture and work expectations, and will enable you to answer questions related to the company's mission and values. Check out Ubers’ values page to prepare better for the interview.

Responsibilities of a Product Manager at Uber

The responsibilities of a Product Manager at Uber across roles can broadly be seen as-

  • Partner with UX Research, Operations and Support teams to seek insights on user problems and solve those problems, along with your proposed solutions, across Uber.
  • Work with Uber’s regional teams to understand issues on the ground and make those solutions a part of their roadmap. Incorporate their feedback into the product roadmap to develop features tailored to the regional market, such as language support or payment options specific to the region.
  • Clearly communicate plans, insights, data and results to a spectrum of audiences including executives, other product teams, and other decision-makers across Uber.
  • Champion safety solutions by building user-facing products and backend features. For example, you may collaborate with the Safety team to define the requirements, ensure user-friendly design, and oversee the implementation of the feature to enhance safety for both drivers and riders.
  • Collect whatever data is vital to advise product direction by taking into consideration the necessary feedback.
  • Seek opportunities for new products that align to Uber's global scale and build upon Uber's infrastructure to provide customer value.

It's important to note that the responsibilities may vary depending on the level of seniority, the specific practice area, the specific industry, and the specific project.

Skills and Qualifications needed for Product Managers at Uber

Here are some of the skills and qualifications that may be required for a Product Manager at Uber.

  • Showcasing a track record of success in engineering, product management, data analytics, or strategy and operations within a tech company will be instrumental in securing a role at Uber. Highlight your achievements and the impact you've made in previous positions.
  • Understanding how ranking and decision systems work, particularly in the context of prioritizing messages in digital marketing, is crucial.
  • Familiarize yourself with the principles of experimentation, including designing experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing actionable insights.
  • If you’re in a more senior role, you’re expected to set an example on what a “good implementation” of the Product craft is, for other PMs you work with. 
  • This increases with seniority; so for instance as a Group PM or a Director - your work is going to leverage others who report into you more and more, so it’s really important that you be able to distinguish the nuances of individual contributorship vs people management.
  • Finally - Uber often hires roles specific to teams. And your loop will often have PMs working in related roles. So make sure you can demonstrate skills specific to the role at hand. For instance - if you’re working on the app, past experience on app development and the nuances therein are very useful to flag upfront. If you’re working on user acquisition, knowledge of the PPC/inorganic marketing space would be good to have. Etc.

Salary Ranges

The salary range for a Product Manager at Uber can vary based on factors such as location, level of experience, and seniority. In general, the salary range for a Product Manager at Uber is typically between $100,000 to $200,000 per year. However, it's important to note that these figures are approximate and can change over time.


The interview process for a Product Manager role at Uber typically includes 3 primary rounds - a phone screening, telephonic interview, and the onsite interview. The first round is to have a quick discussion about your work experiences and the roles you’ve had in the past company. In the telephonic interview round, you can expect to have a screening with a peer or a hiring manager. The final round is an onsite interview where you will face a round unique to Uber - The “Jam” session.

Good luck with your interviews!

Frequently Asked Questions