The most comprehensive bank of interview questions available online.

  • 600K+ questions
  • Recent submissions
  • Employee-verified
  • Labelled by interview type
How do you go about earning trust in a team?

What's your most memorable challenge from your past experience?

Tell me about a time when you led a team.

How did you break a complex problem down into simple sub-parts?

Share an experience where you led a team.

Tell me about a time when you failed badly and what you learned from it?

Tell me about a time when you had to make a decision with incomplete information. How did you make the decision and what was the outcome?

Name a situation in which you had to handle conflict

Have you ever come up with or implemented a truly innovative idea? If so, how did you do it?

Can you explain to me why you think Novartis is the right fit?

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Showing 2141 to 2150 of 618281 results

*All interview questions are submitted by recent candidates, labelled and categorized by Prepfully, and then published after verification by current and ex- employees.