Spotify Data Scientist interview questions.

  • 600K+ questions
  • Recent submissions
  • 165 Spotify Data Scientist questions
  • Employee-verified
In your opinion, what has been your greatest accomplishment?

I'd like you to tell me about a time when you changed how you worked.

Would you mind describing a project you're currently working on at work and how you've handled it? Did you face any problems?

What is your goal for the next 5 years?

When you look back on the past, what was your greatest challenge?

I am interested in the learning and development you gained at your previous position, which you feel will be quite valuable at Spotify

What is your most significant accomplishment? Why?

What is the TAM (Total Addressable Market) of washers and dryers in the US?

Give me a high-level overview of your background. What's your most relevant experience for Spotify

Your most memorable project. Share it with me.

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Showing 151 to 160 of 1034 results

*All interview questions are submitted by recent Spotify Data Scientist candidates, labelled and categorized by Prepfully, and then published after being verified by Data Scientists at Spotify.