Product Manager interview questions.

  • 600K+ questions
  • Recent submissions
  • 90523 Product Manager questions
  • Employee-verified
Tell us about a time you failed to meet a key metric and why?

What are some of the challenges in any product role?

Give me an example of a feature you've built using data.

Your most proudest project? How were you involved? What makes you so proud?

Your product backlog: how would you prioritize it?

How would you design a water bottle? How would you perform quality testing on the water bottle?

How would you design a system for car parking which enables users to know the free spots.

If you had to pitch a new business to Jeff Bezos, what would you recommend?

In your opinion, what is the most technologically advanced product you have used recently? Why is it considered technologically advanced?

How would you design a TV-remote with only one button?

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Showing 301 to 310 of 108639 results

*All interview questions are submitted by recent Product Manager candidates, labelled and categorized by Prepfully, and then published after verification by current and ex-Product Manager employees.