Publicis Sapient Product Manager interview questions.

  • 600K+ questions
  • Recent submissions
  • 112 Publicis Sapient Product Manager questions
  • Employee-verified
Describe a time when you took an unpopular decision.

What would be your ideal team to join in Publicis Sapient

Tell me a high-level overview of your background. What experience is most relevant to Publicis Sapient

Give me a high-level overview of your background. What's your most relevant experience for Publicis Sapient

Let us know about a time when you made a mistake at work.

Your most memorable project. Share it with me.

How do you know Publicis Sapient is the right fit for you?

I would like you to describe a process that you learned or developed at your previous job that you think will be valuable to your future position with Publicis Sapient

Can you share with me a time when you received difficult feedback?

Describe a conflict situation you have experienced

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Showing 81 to 90 of 486 results

*All interview questions are submitted by recent Publicis Sapient Product Manager candidates, labelled and categorized by Prepfully, and then published after being verified by Product Managers at Publicis Sapient.