Netflix Product Manager interview questions.

  • 600K+ questions
  • Recent submissions
  • 130 Netflix Product Manager questions
  • Employee-verified
I want to hear about a time you failed to achieve something you set out to do.

Tell me about a time when you led a team.

Assume that you are the Security TPM at Netflix. Describe some of the major risks you will have to guard against and design a threat analysis framework.

Tell me about a time when you assisted a colleague in his work.What was the result?

How have you disagreed with a team members approach when it was necessary?

What are your metrics for success?

Program Management
Please share with me a time when you identified an opportunity that needed a lot of convincing for people to buy into.

Describe a time that you took a risk?

Can you tell me about a time when you disagreed with a team member's approach?

Describe a time you disagreed with a coworker but had to cooperate to get a project done.

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Showing 101 to 110 of 1242 results

*All interview questions are submitted by recent Netflix Product Manager candidates, labelled and categorized by Prepfully, and then published after being verified by Product Managers at Netflix.