Google interview questions.

  • 600K+ questions
  • Recent submissions
  • 2087 Google questions
  • Employee-verified
How did you use data to drive your decision making process on a project where you had significant impact?

Program Management
Lets say you face a delay in your first milestone - how are you going to manage this?

In your opinion, what has been the most innovative idea you've ever had? How did you create it and how did you implement it?

When you look back on the past, what was your greatest challenge?

If you ever made an unpopular decision, tell me about that

System Design
What would you do to create a new hotel booking system?

Could you tell me about a project you are very proud of?

What are the steps to earning trust in a team?

What is the most innovative idea you have ever had? How did you come up with it and how did you go about implementing it?

Please describe one conflict scenario that you have dealt with

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Showing 21 to 30 of 2087 results

*All interview questions are submitted by recent Google candidates, labelled and categorized by Prepfully, and then published after verification by current and ex-Google employees.