Airbnb Data Scientist interview questions.

  • 600K+ questions
  • Recent submissions
  • 176 Airbnb Data Scientist questions
  • Employee-verified
What is a difficult piece of feedback that you have received? When did you receive it and how did you handle it?

A co-worker constantly arrives late to a meeting. What should be done?

Program Management
Can you tell me about a program you managed that performed poorly?

How did you solve your most challenging design challenge?

Can you share an experience where you failed to accomplish a key metric and why?

How do you earn the trust of a team?

How did you use data to drive your decision making process on a project where you had significant impact?

What industries and use cases do you think you have the most knowledge about?

If you were ever the manager of a team, tell me about it

Program Management
How would you manage risk for a program?

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Showing 91 to 100 of 1195 results

*All interview questions are submitted by recent Airbnb Data Scientist candidates, labelled and categorized by Prepfully, and then published after being verified by Data Scientists at Airbnb.