Frequently asked questions

What if I'd like to cancel the session?

Please let us know right away if you feel you're unable/unwilling to make it for a scheduled session. A lot of candidates rely on these sessions for deciding if they are ready for their preparation, so it's really important that we manage their expectations.

We try to inform candidates at least 12 hours prior to their session time - so please try to let us with at least that much notice. This helps us both manage candidates' expectation, and also arrange a new session with a new expert when viable. If you're available for a reschedule, let us know which alternative timings might work for you too; we'll try to rearrange the session but we can't guarantee this since it will depend on the candidates' timeline.

For last-minute cancellations or reschedules (we understand, it happens to everyone) - please let us know right away. For these sessions - please join the session for just 2 minutes - and let the candidate know in person that you'll be unable to complete the session at the scheduled time. We ask this since we don't yet have global support coverage; and will often be too late to inform candidates about last-minute cancellations. If you're available for a rescheduled slot, this is also an opportunity to agree on a new timing with the candidate - just let us know the new timing and we'll reschedule the invitation.