How do you handle conflicts between two teams that are failing to deliver a feature?

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2 months ago
Addressing conflicts between teams that are failing to perform requires a strategic and diplomatic approach to identify underlying issues, foster collaboration, and drive performance improvement. Here's how I would address conflicts between underperforming teams as a Program Manager:
  1. Identify Root Causes: Start by identifying the root causes of the conflicts and performance issues. This may involve conducting interviews, facilitating team meetings, and analyzing project data to understand the underlying challenges.
  2. Facilitate Open Dialogue: Create a safe and constructive environment for teams to openly discuss their concerns, perspectives, and challenges. Encourage active listening and empathy to foster mutual understanding and trust among team members.
  3. Mediate Conflict Resolution: Act as a neutral mediator to facilitate conflict resolution and consensus-building among teams. Help teams identify common goals and interests, explore alternative solutions, and find mutually acceptable compromises.
  4. Clarify Roles and Responsibilities: Clarify roles, responsibilities, and expectations for each team to ensure alignment with project goals and objectives. Establish clear communication channels and escalation procedures to address issues promptly and effectively.
  5. Set Performance Expectations: Define clear performance expectations and metrics for each team, aligned with project objectives and deliverables. Establish performance goals, milestones, and accountability mechanisms to track progress and ensure accountability.
  6. Provide Support and Resources: Provide teams with the necessary support, resources, and training to improve performance and overcome challenges. This may include additional training, coaching, mentoring, or access to specialized expertise as needed.
  7. Promote Collaboration: Encourage collaboration and teamwork among teams by fostering a culture of transparency, cooperation, and shared accountability. Facilitate cross-functional collaboration and knowledge sharing to leverage collective expertise and resources.
  8. Monitor and Evaluate Progress: Continuously monitor team performance and progress toward goals, identifying areas of improvement and celebrating successes. Conduct regular performance reviews and feedback sessions to assess performance, address issues, and adjust strategies as needed.
  9. Escalate if Necessary: If efforts to resolve conflicts and improve performance are unsuccessful, escalate the issue to higher levels of management or seek external mediation to facilitate resolution. Act decisively to address systemic issues and prevent further escalation.
  10. Celebrate Achievements: Recognize and celebrate achievements and milestones reached by teams, fostering a sense of accomplishment and motivation to sustain performance improvement efforts.
By adopting a proactive and collaborative approach to addressing conflicts and underperformance among teams, I can foster a culture of accountability, continuous improvement, and teamwork, ultimately driving project success.

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Interview question asked to Technical Program Managers interviewing at Tumblr, Bolt, CRED and others: How do you handle conflicts between two teams that are failing to deliver a feature?.