Can you tell me about a time when a program you managed underperformed?

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2 months ago
I was a TPM in an insurance form overseeing data analytics projects in the different insurance businesses. Projects included Medical Insurance business, Asset Management Business and General insurance business. Each project had a project manager and data engineers working together on the same server concurrently. 
The project was a 3 month project and each team had deliverables in different timelines. Although each team worked on different databases, the databases were all sitting on the same warehouse which was hosted in an on premise server. after some weeks into the project, I realized that the server was often slow and this was slowing down deliverables from each team. I therefore performed a root cause analysis using the 5 why's method and reached to the conclusion that the network was overloaded by the concurrent access by all the data engineers from the different teams. This was causing delays in the set project milestones and the overall performance of the program was not looking good. I called upon the stakeholders and the project managers to discuss this issue and proposed a solution to move the server to cloud, for us to be able to deliver the end goal in time and improve efficiency. Further, I worked with the procurement team to compile favorable cloud solutions and plans we could use and finally managed to secure one that was scalable on demand. This solved the problem , albeit delaying the program with two weeks.

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Interview question asked to candidates interviewing at top companies: Can you tell me about a time when a program you managed underperformed?.