Pick a product that you've used today after waking up this morning. Tell me what you don't like about it and what you'd change if you could improve it.

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a month ago
I am not a huge news person, but I finally found a newsletter that I can easily digest in the morning to get quick and insightful update about business, tech, marketing, etc. The morning Brew does an exceptional job of informing, educating, and empowering leaders and decision makers of today. While I love their products, I also really appreciate their values which include respect, empathy, inclusivity, and neutrality. They stick to their word of treating their work with Curiosity, and have a Challenger Mentality as well as continued Clarity of Purpose. One thing I would DRASTICALLY change is how I receive their newsletter. Right now I get a push notification from my email with different links to each of their newsletters that I have signed up for, for reference I am signed up to 4 Morning Brew, Marketing Brew, IT Brew, and Tech Brew. It is painful for me to keep up with all of these different emails. So although it may be a giant investment on their part, I am willing to assume more than 75% of their users are mobile first and would benefit from a mobile app. If I was a PM at Daily Brew, and I saw strong mobile engagement and desire for a more dynamic experience I would consider building an app a strategic move. Not only would it satisfy their mobile first users, but also enable Morning Brew to support Push Notifications, offline access to content, interactive features such as polls and quizzes, personalized content recommendations, and possibly even some community features for subscriber interaction. 

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Interview question asked to Product Managers interviewing at Strava, Lyft, Cleo and others: Pick a product that you've used today after waking up this morning. Tell me what you don't like about it and what you'd change if you could improve it..