Engineering Manager interview questions.

  • 600K+ questions
  • Recent submissions
  • 61494 Engineering Manager questions
  • Employee-verified
Organizational Design
What is the objective of your current team, and how do they work towards achieving it?

People Management
Can you explain your philosophy on hiring and the criteria that influence your decision-making? How would this be reflected at Nintendo?

People Management
How do you keep your team motivated and engaged in their work, and what strategies have you found to be effective in maintaining a positive and productive work environment?

Describe a time when you made an unpopular decision.

People Management
How do you create and sustain a positive and trustworthy relationship with your direct reports as a leader?

People Management
Can you share your approach to assessing your performance as an engineering manager?

People Management
Can you discuss a time when you had multiple pressing deadlines and how you prioritized your tasks to meet them all?

Organizational Design
Can you describe the future that your team is working towards and your part in making that vision a reality?

People Management
Can you describe how you evaluate the performance of your team on a regular basis and what steps you take to improve their performance?

People Management
How did you balance the needs and concerns of your team with the requirements of the situation at hand?

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Showing 1 to 10 of 63791 results

*All interview questions are submitted by recent Engineering Manager candidates, labelled and categorized by Prepfully, and then published after verification by current and ex-Engineering Manager employees.