Can you explain the importance of the "volatile" keyword in C?

Embedded Engineer







  • Can you describe the function of the "volatile" keyword in C?
  • Can you explain the importance of the "volatile" keyword in C?
  • Could you discuss the relevance of the "volatile" keyword in C?
  • How does the "volatile" keyword affect operations in C?
  • How significant is the "volatile" keyword in C programming?
  • In C programming, what's the purpose of using the "volatile" keyword?
  • What is the significance of the keyword "volatile" in C?
  • What makes the "volatile" keyword crucial in C?
  • What role does the "volatile" keyword play in C?
  • Why is the "volatile" keyword important in C?

Interview question asked to Embedded Engineers interviewing at II-VI Incorporated, Hewlett Packard, Mentor Graphics and others: Can you explain the importance of the "volatile" keyword in C?.