
How would you go about implementing a useEffectOnce() hook in React that triggers a side effect only once?

Frontend Engineer







Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • How would you go about implementing a useEffectOnce() hook in React that triggers a side effect only once?
  • Can you demonstrate how to create a useEffectOnce() hook in React that ensures a single run of an effect in a component's lifecycle?
  • What's your approach to coding a useEffectOnce() hook in React that executes an effect just once during the component's existence?
  • In React, how would you write a useEffectOnce() hook that ensures an effect is run only a single time in a component's life?
  • Could you show me how to develop a useEffectOnce() hook in React that is guaranteed to trigger an effect only once?
  • How do you envision a useEffectOnce() hook in React that operates an effect solely one time throughout the component's lifecycle?
  • In your experience, how do you craft a useEffectOnce() hook in React for executing a specific effect just once?
  • Can you outline the steps to create a useEffectOnce() hook in React that initiates an effect only a single time?
  • What steps would you take to implement a useEffectOnce() hook in React that runs a particular effect only once?
  • Implement the useEffectOnce() hook in React that runs an effect only once during the component's lifecycle.

Interview question asked to Frontend Engineers interviewing at Wipro, Panda Security, Creative Assembly and others: How would you go about implementing a useEffectOnce() hook in React that triggers a side effect only once?.