Tell us about a time when you made an unpopular decision.

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20 days ago
While I was working at the insurance company, I was implementing an application that would let users submit an application to the underwriters for receiving quotes.This was mainly for users that not approved in the first round of application but were referred for underwriter referrals.This application would receive sensitive data from the users to determine their eligibility. During the implementation of this  new software application, we encountered a critical security vulnerability related to authentication and session management. Our team had initially planned for a smooth rollout, but this issue disrupted our timeline.
  • Discovery: While conducting thorough testing, our QA team identified the vulnerability. Essentially, the application was not properly invalidating user sessions after logout, leaving the door open for session hijacking.
  • Impact Assessment: We quickly assessed the potential impact. If exploited, this vulnerability could allow unauthorized access to sensitive user data or even compromise the entire system.
  • Revised Priorities: Recognizing the severity, I immediately shifted our priorities. Instead of proceeding with feature enhancements, we focused solely on fixing the authentication flow.
  • Collaboration: I worked closely with developers, security experts, and stakeholders. We implemented proper session management, including secure session tokens, session timeouts, and robust logout mechanisms.
  • Communication: I kept all stakeholders informed about the situation. We had to adjust the project timeline, which meant communicating the delay to upper management and end-users.
  • Risk Mitigation: Beyond the immediate fix, we also reviewed other parts of the application for similar vulnerabilities. This proactive approach helped prevent future issues.
  • Successful Mitigation: By addressing the vulnerability promptly, we ensured that user sessions were secure. The revised authentication process was thoroughly tested and validated.
  • Project Impact: Although the change disrupted our original timeline, stakeholders appreciated our commitment to security. Their trust in our team remained intact.
  • Process Improvement: We incorporated stricter security checks into our development workflow, ensuring that such issues would be caught earlier in future projects.

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a month ago
Once while running shift, I was given a challenge on cutting down on hours to cut cost. So therefore I was voluntarily cutting associates down. After doing so I had my manager scrutinize my decision to let go of people early and was told that I had made a bad decision.

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a month ago
When I need to make a unpopular decision - I try to anticipate the pushback I can get and see how I can mitigate that.. At Auctane, I noticed that there was no unit tests on the legacy code, I knew I had to improve on the engineering standards. When we had a plan to migrate to monlotith  - I proposed we add unit tests in our sprint cycle, I got a push back from the established team members as they did not want to change thier approach to development. So I apporached new devs on the team, they were onboard with this idea, after 2 sprints the team saw the code with unit tests were less buggy and more modular. This encouraged others to adopt units test while development phase well. In the end our team achived at least 75% code coverage.

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a month ago
At Auctane, we were following a out dated deployment process. That is inspite of we moving to monloith services.. we followed a single . It caused a big bottleneck in our release time frame and I challenged the need for such a train - as one of the philosophy in Microservice is independently deployable. The team was relectant to make changes to the process (for e,g we needed to create a seperate github repo, come up with a artifactory repo) - the team was initially reluctant to make changes but I convinved the team that this was a good move in the long run as it would eliminate unnecessary process and speed things. Even though the team did not agree initially, they saw the value after we migrated to new process. My philiopy was short term pain for long term gain.

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Interview question asked to Full Stack Software Engineers, Sales Engineers, Software Engineers and other roles interviewing at CoinSwitch, Mobiniti, PharmEasy and others: Tell us about a time when you made an unpopular decision..