
Write code to implement a text wrapper that takes in a long string and a character limit as inputs and returns a list of strings, where each string is limited to the specified number of characters, split only at spaces.

Machine Learning Engineer







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5 months ago
def text_wrapper(text, char_limit):
    # Initialize a list to hold the wrapped text
    wrapped_text = []
    # Split the original text into words
    words = text.split()
    # Initialize a temporary string to build the current line
    current_line = ""
    for word in words:
        # Check if adding the next word exceeds the character limit
        if len(current_line) + len(word) + 1 > char_limit:
            # If it does, append the current line to the list and start a new line
            current_line = word  # Start a new line with the current word
            # Otherwise, add the word to the current line
            current_line += " " + word
    # Append any remaining text as the last line
    if current_line:
    return wrapped_text

# Example usage
long_string = "This is an example of a long string that needs to be wrapped according to a specified character limit without breaking any words."
char_limit = 30
wrapped_result = text_wrapper(long_string, char_limit)

# Print the wrapped result
for line in wrapped_result:

  • Write code to implement a text wrapper that takes in a long string and a character limit as inputs and returns a list of strings, where each string is limited to the specified number of characters, split only at spaces.
  • How would you code a text-wrapping function that respects space-delimited words within a character limit?
  • Can you develop a text wrapper function that segments a string based on a character count, without breaking words?
  • How would you write a function that wraps text into lines of a certain length, breaking only at spaces?
  • What would be your approach to implementing a function that wraps text to a specified character length, ensuring it splits at spaces?
  • Could you create a code for a text wrapper that adheres to a given character limit without cutting words in half?
  • How do you plan to code a text wrapping algorithm that breaks lines by space within a character limit?
  • Show how to write a function that neatly wraps text, considering space boundaries and a character threshold.
  • How would you program a text wrapper that divides a string into a list of space-separated strings, each within a character limit?
  • Can you construct a text-wrapping function that breaks a long string into space-separated lines under a character cap?
  • Write code to implement a text wrapper that takes in a long string and a character limit as inputs and returns a list of strings, where each string is limited to the specified number of characters, split only at spaces. For example, if the input string is "This is a long sentence that needs to be wrapped", and the character limit is 10, the output should be a list with three strings: ["This is a", "long", "sentence that", "needs to be", "wrapped"].

Interview question asked to Machine Learning Engineers interviewing at Mozilla, Bloomberg, Uber and others: Write code to implement a text wrapper that takes in a long string and a character limit as inputs and returns a list of strings, where each string is limited to the specified number of characters, split only at spaces..