What's your philosophy in working with an engingeering team?

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2 months ago
My philosophy is to trust the team with technical capabilities and provide them clear requirements as flows, personas and UX. I also like to challenge design for accessibility, scalability and ease of use. Biggest focus is grooming sessions where we capture every details in the User story as well as daily scrum meeting where I like to see the development and have opportunity to provide feedback.

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a month ago
My philoshipy to build a high perfomance team is to create a bottoms up culture. By empowring my team members the autonomy of solving the customer problem which they deem fit at scale, they not only grow but also innovate on things if they don't like the status quo.
For e.g. At Auctane, one of my team members was not satisfied with the approach proposed for doing a sync of data from Microservices to monolith. He did a deep dive on how this can be improved, he proposed Kafka as a best fit stack we can use. I encouraged him to do a POC, come up with pros and cons. Then I set up a meeting with my director and did a POC, I talked about potential impact was not just for our team but could be implemented org wide as well. 
We implemented this new technology on the project he was working on, documenting all the learnings he discovred and released to prod. Once we were satisfied that it works for us, I arranged for a show/tell session for other engineeries who had to solve a similar issue, this developer gave a techtalk on how it was implemented, challenges we faced etc. Other teams adopted this tech as well. The result of this was that as an Org. we could save close to 15% of dev cycle by standardizing and implementing a new tech. My employee also took this opportunity to learn and grow at the same time.

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Interview question asked to Product Managers interviewing at Acorns, Cerner, NCR and others: What's your philosophy in working with an engingeering team?.