Please tell me about a time when you disagreed with a team member.

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14 days ago
Situation: Users were experiencing significant delays and errors when downloading multiple reports in bulk, causing frustration and inefficiency. Additionally, failures in bulk downloads left users unsure which reports had issues, further adding to their confusion. During this process, I had a disagreement with a team member about the best way to address these issues.

Task: Improve the bulk download process to ensure timely completion, clear communication, and effective handling of any failures, while resolving the disagreement with my team member.


Identified the Issue: One of my team members disagreed with the idea of setting a cap on the number of reports for bulk download, arguing that it might limit the user's ability to download all necessary reports at once. They believed users would prefer having the flexibility to download large numbers of reports in one go.
Communicated Concerns: I explained that without a cap, the system would likely continue to experience delays and errors, negatively impacting the user experience. I proposed a compromise where we would set a cap initially and monitor user feedback to ensure it did not negatively impact user needs.
Quick User Research: Conducted informal research among peers to gather insights on their preferences and challenges with different page record limits.
Set Limits: Based on the research and team discussions, implemented a cap of fewer than 100 reports per bulk download to maintain processing efficiency.
Clear Alerts: Updated notifications to inform users that bulk downloads might take longer, setting realistic expectations.
Progress Indicators: Introduced a progress bar to provide real-time download status, inspired by Microsoft's approach to enhance user transparency.
Notification System: Implemented alerts to notify users of specific report failures during bulk downloads.
Detailed Log: Included a detailed log in the downloaded file to identify failed reports, inspired by ESG’s bulk deletion notifications.

Efficient Processing: The cap ensured downloads were completed within expected timeframes, reducing errors and delays.
User Expectations Managed: Clear alerts reduced frustration by informing users about potential delays.
Enhanced User Experience: The progress indicator kept users informed throughout the download process, improving satisfaction and transparency.
Clear Communication: Users were promptly informed of any download issues, reducing confusion.
Actionable Insights: The detailed log helped users identify and address specific problems, making the process more efficient.
Improved User Experience: These measures streamlined the bulk download process, enhancing reliability and user satisfaction.
Team Alignment: The compromise and subsequent monitoring ensured the cap did not negatively impact user needs, and the team member agreed that it was a beneficial step.
Conclusion: By addressing both the delays and errors in bulk downloads and the issues related to report failures, I improved the overall bulk download process. Implementing caps, progress indicators, notifications, and detailed logs ensured a more efficient, transparent, and user-friendly experience. The process also demonstrated my ability to handle disagreements effectively, communicate persuasively, and make data-driven decisions that enhance user satisfaction.

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Interview question asked to Full Stack Software Engineers, Product Managers, iOS Engineers and other roles interviewing at Kajabi, Intercom, Personio and others: Please tell me about a time when you disagreed with a team member..