Choose an existing digital product with a 'freemium' subscription model similar to Spotify and brain-storm some ideas for solving issues around it.
Can you think of any improvements that can be made to the 'freemium' subscription model of a digital product, like Spotify?
What is your opinion on the 'freemium' subscription model, and how do you suggest addressing the issues with it in digital products similar to Spotify?
How would you go about solving the problems associated with the 'freemium' subscription model of a digital product, such as those found in Spotify?
Have you encountered any issues with the 'freemium' subscription model of digital products, like Spotify? If so, how would you propose resolving them?
Can you discuss some potential solutions to issues that arise from the 'freemium' subscription model of a digital product, akin to those encountered in Spotify?
In your experience, what are the drawbacks of the 'freemium' subscription model in digital products, and how can they be addressed, similar to Spotify?
How can the issues associated with the 'freemium' subscription model of digital products, like Spotify, be solved in a way that benefits both users and the company?
What strategies can be used to tackle the challenges of the 'freemium' subscription model in digital products, such as Spotify?
If you were tasked with improving the 'freemium' subscription model of a digital product, similar to Spotify, what would be your approach to resolving any issues?
Can you suggest some ideas for overcoming the challenges posed by the 'freemium' subscription model of a digital product, like Spotify?