Product Execution

How would you engage with sales? How would you write requirement specifications?

Product Manager


Veeva Systems




Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Are you able to engage with sales? What is the process for writing requirements specifications?
  • Can you write requirements specifications? How would you interact with sales?
  • Could you describe your sales process? What would you include in a requirement specification?
  • How would you approach sales? What would you write in the specification?
  • How would you engage with sales? How would you write a requirement specification?
  • How would you engage with sales? How would you write requirement specifications?
  • What is your approach to engaging with sales? What are your requirements specifications like?
  • What would you do if you had to interact with sales? What would you do if you had to write requirement specifications?
  • What would you say to sales about your product? How would you define requirements?
  • Which would be the best way to engage sales? Which would be the best way to write a requirement specification?

Interview question asked to Product Managers interviewing at SurveyMonkey, SPS Commerce, ADP and others: How would you engage with sales? How would you write requirement specifications?.