
Describe the process of creating an ROC curve given a set of predicted probabilities and true labels.

Machine Learning Engineer







Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Describe the process of creating an ROC curve given a set of predicted probabilities and true labels.
  • Could you explain how to generate an ROC curve using a list of predicted probabilities and corresponding true labels?
  • How would you plot an ROC curve based on predicted probabilities and true labels?
  • Can you walk me through how to plot an ROC curve with predicted probabilities and true labels?
  • What steps are involved in creating an ROC curve based on a list of predicted probabilities and true labels?
  • Explain how you would generate an ROC curve given a set of predicted probabilities and true labels.
  • If you were given predicted probabilities and true labels, what would be the steps you follow to plot an ROC curve?
  • What is the process for plotting an ROC curve with predicted probabilities and true labels?
  • Please describe the steps you would take to generate an ROC curve using predicted probabilities and true labels.
  • How would you approach plotting an ROC curve based on a list of predicted probabilities and corresponding true labels?
  • Given a list of numbers representing predicted probabilities and corresponding true labels, how would you plot an ROC curve?

Interview question asked to Machine Learning Engineers interviewing at Twilio, Workday, Zendesk and others: Describe the process of creating an ROC curve given a set of predicted probabilities and true labels..