ML Knowledge

What is the difference between Ridge and Lasso?

Data Scientist







Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • What is the difference between Ridge and Lasso?
  • In what ways do Ridge and Lasso diverge from each other?
  • How different are Ridge and Lasso, and in what regards?
  • What are the distinctions between Ridge and Lasso?
  • Do you consider Ridge and Lasso to be dissimilar, and if so, in what respect?
  • What sets Ridge and Lasso apart from each other?
  • Can you elucidate how Ridge and Lasso contrast?
  • What are the differences between Ridge and Lasso, and how do they manifest?
  • Could you discuss the dissimilarities between Ridge and Lasso?
  • Could you elaborate on the contrast between Ridge and Lasso?

Interview question asked to Data Scientists interviewing at Peloton, Adyen, Careem and others: What is the difference between Ridge and Lasso?.