Can you provide a detailed explanation of the workings of React?

Frontend Engineer






  • Can you break down the operational details of React for us?
  • Can you provide a detailed explanation of the workings of React?
  • Could you elaborate on the core principles and mechanics of React?
  • Could you provide a thorough explanation of React’s framework and its features?
  • Explain in detail how React works.
  • How do you interpret the internal workings and architecture of React?
  • How would you describe the functionality and structure of React in depth?
  • In your own words, how does React function from a technical perspective?
  • What is your understanding of how React operates, in detail?
  • Would you mind explaining the key components and processes of React?

Interview question asked to Frontend Engineers interviewing at, DocuSign, Netmarble and others: Can you provide a detailed explanation of the workings of React?.