ML KnowledgeML Case

How reliable is the R-square statistic as a standalone measure for the quality of a linear regression model? Does a low R-square value invariably indicate an inadequate model fit in linear regression?

Machine Learning Engineer


Palo Alto Networks





Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • How reliable is the R-square statistic as a standalone measure for the quality of a linear regression model? Does a low R-square value invariably indicate an inadequate model fit in linear regression?
  • Can the R-square value alone adequately represent the efficacy of linear regression analysis? Can we conclude that a model is insufficiently fitted if the R-square value is low?
  • Is relying on R-square values alone for linear regression analysis advisable? Is a low R-square value a definitive sign of poor fit in a linear regression model?
  • What are the limitations of using R-square as the sole metric for assessing linear regression models? How should a low R-square value be interpreted in the context of a model’s fit?
  • How does the R-square measure fall short in providing a complete picture of linear regression model performance? What does it imply about the linear regression model when you encounter a low R-square?
  • Why might the R-square value not be sufficient in evaluating a linear regression model’s fit? Does a low R-square necessarily mean that the linear regression has failed to capture the data relationship?
  • In what ways is R-square an incomplete metric for linear regression analysis? How do you justify a low R-square value in terms of linear regression model fit?
  • Is it enough to assess the goodness of fit in linear regression using only the R-square? What implications does a low R-square have for the validity of a linear regression analysis?
  • Can we consider R-square to be an all-encompassing measure for linear regression model accuracy? When faced with a low R-square measurement, how do you assess the adequacy of the regression model?
  • Should R-square be the exclusive determinant of fit for linear regression models? In linear regression, is a low R-square value synonymous with a poor model fit?
  • Is the R-square measure sufficient for linear regression analysis? What if the r-square value is low, does this mean that the fit is not good enough?

Interview question asked to Machine Learning Engineers interviewing at DigitalOcean, Adobe, Mapbox and others: How reliable is the R-square statistic as a standalone measure for the quality of a linear regression model? Does a low R-square value invariably indicate an inadequate model fit in linear regression?.