Could you tell me about a project you are very proud of?

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15 days ago
In my role as Team Lead Manager at Flexport, I led a team of six engineers tasked with building a Kafka-based streaming data infrastructure deployed in Kubernetes. We encountered a significant challenge at the start of the project: integrating with existing products while meeting the requirements for products still in the design and planning phases.
To address this, I implemented several key strategies:
Clear Communication: I set up design review sessions with the entire engineering organization to ensure everyone was aligned and any potential issues were addressed early.
Team Collaboration: I encouraged regular pair-programming sessions and implemented pairing rotations to enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing within the team.
Agile Approach: We adopted an Agile methodology, breaking down the project into manageable sprints. This approach helped us tackle the problem incrementally and adjust our plans as needed.
Early Data Contract Discussions: We initiated discussions about data contracts with other teams early in the process. By co-publishing data contract proposals and seeking feedback, we ensured that our solutions were well-integrated and met cross-team requirements.
Task Management: I made sure tasks were broken down into manageable sizes with clear descriptions and acceptance criteria. This approach helped maintain team velocity and clarity on deliverables.
Transparency and Accountability: We conducted bi-weekly public demos to track our progress and maintain transparency. These demos allowed us to gather early feedback and hold ourselves accountable to our target dates.
By employing these strategies, we successfully launched our platform and onboarded the first production workflow within three months. The production workflow was to provide reporting for our customers. We reduced reporting latency from 24 hours to near-real-time. Additionally, we introduced a self-service template and comprehensive documentation, which reduced the workflow onboarding time from one week to less than two days.
This project was a team effort, and the team was highly motivated and proud of the result. It taught me the importance of breaking down large projects into smaller, manageable pieces, which has since improved my approach to leading technical teams through complex problems. Regular demos and project updates were crucial to the success of this project, as they allowed us to gather feedback early and stay on track with our deadlines.

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a month ago
I was involved in a project where we have build a statistical model to leverage the historical data related to meters that print labels and predict the likelihood of the different issues in the meter so a correct kit can be ordered to in first attempt to service person visit

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2 months ago
Situation: The North America Transportation (NATS) organization, which is dedicated to managing the design, speed, and connectivity of the transportation network, previously did not have a formal process for reviewing and tracking the impact of new pilots and initiatives. This led to issues with communication, lack of network-wide visibility, and unknown impacts on key metrics.
Task: I was tasked with creating a new pilot tracking program from scratch to address these challenges and improve the NATS organization's ability to evaluate and scale successful initiatives.
Action: I built a comprehensive pilot program within the Asana project management software, consisting of four main components:
  1. Pilot intake with a white paper outlining success criteria and risks
  2. A monthly pilot review panel with NATS leadership
  3. Ongoing pilot tracking for approved initiatives
  4. Post-mortem and scaling process for successful pilots
Result: The new pilot program was launched in Q3 2022 and has already demonstrated a 35% cost savings in transportation execution costs through the successful implementation of new innovation programs. The structured review, tracking, and scaling process has improved visibility, risk assessment, and performance monitoring across the NATS organization.

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2 months ago
I am particularly proud of the last project achievement. The purpose was to integrate a translation management tool to handle outsourced translation request. The tool was very complex and we had to map its items with our datas and coect the tool with all our applications and integrate all our processes like translation requests, reinternalization, cacelation, assigments, creation of purchase orders and invoices....
The project is a total success and is actually used by our stakeholders.

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Interview question asked to Full Stack Software Engineers, Data Scientists, Software Engineers and other roles interviewing at GOJEK, The Descartes Systems Group, Palo Alto Networks and others: Could you tell me about a project you are very proud of?.