Product Marketing
Pick a physical product that you really like in the real world. Articulate the value proposition for me. What segments does it target? How would you come up with an ad campaign to market it?
Product Marketing Manager
6 months ago
I would love to see a self-sorting recycling and trash bin that fits on any street corner to effectively bifurcate anything a person threw in to it into recyclable, compostable, or waste. Too often people are confused, lazy, or don't notice the recycling option when disposing of waste. I estimate that 10-20% of all truly recyclable material is lost because of the lack of an efficient sorting process at the trash site. This product has a few value propositions, depending on the end customer. Firstly, waste management and recycling centers will have lower operations costs because fewer people will have to manually sift through the trash to pull out the valuable recyclable materials. Landfills, run by municipalities, will have potentially 10-20% less recyclable waste take up space for non recyclable material. Lastly, people who use the self-sorting trash bins can watch their trash going down one path or another, and learn about what materials are recyclable and which are not. The campaign to market this would be focused on the waste managers who could reduce their operational overhead by 10-20% with less personnel, and the municipalities who have to pay to have their trash transported to other states or overseas and can no transport 10-20% less volume.
Interview question asked to Product Marketing Managers interviewing at Fujitsu, YouTube, Dell and others: Pick a physical product that you really like in the real world. Articulate the value proposition for me. What segments does it target? How would you come up with an ad campaign to market it?.