Analytics Case

What would you advise the product team to do if we are launching a new product but are seeing a decline in usage metrics? Would you continue with launching the product?

Data Scientist





Palo Alto Networks


Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • What would you advise the product team to do if we are launching a new product but are seeing a decline in usage metrics? Would you continue with launching the product?
  • If a product's usage metrics take a hit leading up to its launch, what steps would you recommend taking?
  • How would you handle a scenario where the usage metrics for a product slump before its launch?
  • In the event of a product launch, but a noticeable decrease in user engagement metrics, what course of action would you suggest taking?
  • If a newly launched product seems to be struggling with user engagement metrics, what would be your next move as a product team?
  • If metrics suggest low user engagement in the lead-up to a new product launch, what steps would you recommend to the product team?
  • Suppose a new product is set to launch, but usage metrics appear to be in decline. What would you advise the product team to do next?
  • What would be your advice for a product team if usage metrics show a decline leading up to a new product launch?
  • In the case of a new product launch, but declining usage metrics, what actions would you suggest the product team takes?
  • Could you tell me how you would proceed if user engagement metrics for a new product decline prior to its launch?

Interview question asked to Data Scientists interviewing at Google, Evernote, Postmates and others: What would you advise the product team to do if we are launching a new product but are seeing a decline in usage metrics? Would you continue with launching the product?.