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Pick a product that you've used today after waking up this morning. Tell me what you don't like about it and what you'd change if you could improve it.

Product Manager






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8 months ago
Today I didn’t want to come to office directly, I wanted to start my day by visiting a temple, So, I first searched in map, to talk aloud of the temples nearby when I am driving my bike. 
It started mentioning take left to go to abc temple, I know, if I take that left, it will be very long to my office. so, I skipped that left and proceeded further in my regular route to office. After few kms, it again started saying take right to go to def temple. This time, I wanted to take that route.
So, I have proceeded as per google map, and I reached the temple after 20 mins of drive. I finished my visit and started by bike again. I have again asked to talk aloud about the hotels nearby as I didn’t eat my breakfast today to accommodate to temple visit.
It again started directing me in the similar way.

In this whole journey, the problem which I faced as a user is, I haven’t changed my final destination which is real page, now that I am diverting to temple and hotel, its not talking aloud with the overall distance increased to RealPage, also the different routes I should take because of this diversion, which in turn leads me to more traffic than usual, and I will be delayed to office. 

So, Problem statement here: Final destination is not changed, but requests for interim destination should also talk aloud on the possible route changes for the final destination and distance increase to the final destination
Persona: Dailu commuters who may have some diversions for other personal work.
PainPoints: Not easy to get the right route and the distance increased due to the diversion the user took.
Proposed solution:
Voice assistant to mention the increase of distance to the final destination, and mention the alternative routes, for Every diversion the user takes.


9 months ago
I am not a huge news person, but I finally found a newsletter that I can easily digest in the morning to get quick and insightful update about business, tech, marketing, etc. The morning Brew does an exceptional job of informing, educating, and empowering leaders and decision makers of today. While I love their products, I also really appreciate their values which include respect, empathy, inclusivity, and neutrality. They stick to their word of treating their work with Curiosity, and have a Challenger Mentality as well as continued Clarity of Purpose. One thing I would DRASTICALLY change is how I receive their newsletter. Right now I get a push notification from my email with different links to each of their newsletters that I have signed up for, for reference I am signed up to 4 Morning Brew, Marketing Brew, IT Brew, and Tech Brew. It is painful for me to keep up with all of these different emails. So although it may be a giant investment on their part, I am willing to assume more than 75% of their users are mobile first and would benefit from a mobile app. If I was a PM at Daily Brew, and I saw strong mobile engagement and desire for a more dynamic experience I would consider building an app a strategic move. Not only would it satisfy their mobile first users, but also enable Morning Brew to support Push Notifications, offline access to content, interactive features such as polls and quizzes, personalized content recommendations, and possibly even some community features for subscriber interaction. 
  • Pick a product that you've used today after waking up this morning. Tell me what you don't like about it and what you'd change if you could improve it.
  • Tell me what you don't like about a product you used this morning after waking up. Tell me what you would change if you could improve it.
  • Describe a product you used today when you woke up in the morning. Tell me what you didn't like about it and what you'd change to improve it.
  • Describe an item you used today after waking up this morning. Tell me what you dislike about it and what you would change to improve it.
  • Tell me what you don't like about a product you used after waking up this morning and how you would improve it.
  • Please tell me what you dislike about a product you used this morning after waking up and what you would add to improve it.
  • Please pick a product that you have used today since waking up this morning. Tell me what you do not like about it and what you would change to improve it.
  • Pick a product you've used today. Tell me something you dislike about it. How would you improve it?

Interview question asked to Product Managers interviewing at Deliveroo, Duck Creek Technologies, Lazada and others: Pick a product that you've used today after waking up this morning. Tell me what you don't like about it and what you'd change if you could improve it..