
Write a function to output all prime numbers below N.

Data Scientist



Capital One




Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Write a function to output all prime numbers below N.
  • Your task is to find all prime numbers less than N
  • Show me how you would generate a list of all prime numbers below N
  • Can you write a function that lists all of the prime numbers less than N?
  • Write a function to return all the prime numbers up to a specified N.
  • Implement a function to generate the list of prime numbers that are below N.
  • How would you go about writing a function that outputs all of the prime numbers beneath N?
  • Write a program to display all the prime numbers less than a given number N.
  • What's the best way to write a function that lists out all the prime numbers below N?
  • The output should consist of all prime numbers below given input N

Interview question asked to Data Scientists interviewing at Canva, Quantcast, Zomato and others: Write a function to output all prime numbers below N..