ML Case

Can you walk me through your process for predicting whether future clients will purchase a particular software? What kind of data would be essential to include in your dataset?

Machine Learning Engineer





Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • As a data analyst, how would you approach predicting whether a client will purchase a specific software? Can you outline some key features of the dataset that you would need to create to do so?
  • As a data analyst, how would you create a predictive model for determining whether future clients would purchase a specific software? What key pieces of information need to be included in the dataset to develop a solid prediction model?
  • As someone with experience analyzing client buying habits, how would you go about forecasting whether potential clients will purchase a specific software? Which factors would you take into account?
  • Can you walk me through your process for predicting whether future clients will purchase a particular software? What kind of data would be essential to include in your dataset?
  • Considering your experience with data analysis and client buying behaviors, can you walk me through how you would make predictions around whether future clients would purchase a certain software? What pieces of information would be important to include in your dataset?
  • Given a dataset of clients who either purchased or did not purchase a certain software, how would you use the information to predict whether future clients would buy the same software? What factors would you prioritize in your dataset?
  • How do you typically predict if a client will purchase a certain software? What information do you need to include in your dataset and how do you ensure that you are generating accurate results?
  • Let's say you have a dataset of clients who bought or didn't buy a certain software. How would you make a prediction for future clients? What would be some things you'd want to include in this dataset?
  • Let's talk about your predictive modeling approach when it comes to determining whether future customers will buy a particular software. What variables and insights would make up your dataset?
  • What is your strategy for predicting whether clients will buy a new software? What particular characteristics or behaviors would you want to include in your dataset in order to make accurate predictions?
  • What would be your process for forecasting whether potential clients would buy a specific software? What types of data points would you want to include in your dataset to accurately predict their behavior?

Interview question asked to Machine Learning Engineers interviewing at Sprinklr, Oracle, Microsoft and others: Can you walk me through your process for predicting whether future clients will purchase a particular software? What kind of data would be essential to include in your dataset?.