Product SenseProduct Design

As a product manager, what would you bring to market as a new product in the travel industry?

Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • If you are the PM of in a travel company, what would you bring as a new product to market?
  • What new product would you bring to market if you were the PM of a travel company?
  • What new product would you introduce to the market if you were a product manager in a travel company?
  • What would you launch as a new product if you were in charge of a travel company?
  • If you are the PM of a travel company, what would be a new product you would launch?
  • As a product manager, what would you bring to market as a new product in the travel industry?
  • Would you bring a new product to market if you were the product manager at a travel company?
  • As a travel company's product manager, what new product would you launch?

Interview question asked to candidates interviewing at top companies: As a product manager, what would you bring to market as a new product in the travel industry?.