Tell me about a time when you showed ownership

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a month ago
We were in the midst of integrating a payment gateway, escrow account, and split payout system for our new Marketplace for homeowners. This integration was crucial for facilitating seamless transactions between buyers and sellers on the platform.

**The Challenge:**
Just as we were nearing the completion of our integration with our chosen financial partner, we discovered a major compliance issue that made it impossible to continue with this partner. This was a critical setback as we had already committed release dates to our stakeholders and the launch was highly anticipated.

**Taking Ownership:**
Recognizing the urgency and critical nature of this issue, I took full ownership to resolve it swiftly and effectively. Here’s how I approached it:

1. **Initiating Discussions with Alternative Partners:**
   - I immediately initiated discussions with alternative financial partners to find a suitable replacement. My goal was to identify a partner who could meet our compliance requirements and integrate smoothly with our existing system.
   - I leveraged my network and industry contacts to expedite the evaluation process and set up meetings with potential partners.

2. **Looping in the Engineering Team:**
   - From the beginning, I involved our engineering team in discussions with the new potential partners. This ensured that the technical feasibility and integration requirements were clear and that we could maximize the reuse of existing work.
   - I facilitated technical deep-dive sessions to assess compatibility and identify areas where we could leverage previous integration efforts.

3. **Strategic Planning and Execution:**
   - I developed a detailed action plan that prioritized speed and efficiency. We set clear goals to reuse as much of the existing integration code and processes as possible to minimize rework.
   - I established a clear timeline and milestones, ensuring that all team members were aligned and understood the urgency.

4. **Maximizing Team Effort:**
   - I motivated the team by emphasizing the importance of meeting our committed launch dates. Everyone understood the critical nature of the project, and the entire team was prepared to give their 200%.
   - I facilitated daily stand-ups and regular progress reviews to keep the team focused and address any issues promptly.

5. **Ensuring Compliance and Quality:**
   - We worked closely with the new financial partner to ensure that all compliance requirements were met and that the integration was secure and reliable.
   - Extensive testing was conducted to validate the integration and ensure a smooth user experience upon launch.

Thanks to the team's dedication and the strategic approach, we successfully integrated with the new financial partner and launched the payment gateway, escrow account, and split payout system within two months. This was a significant achievement given the initial setback and tight timeline.

This experience reinforced the importance of taking ownership and being proactive in resolving critical issues. By demonstrating leadership, fostering collaboration, and maintaining clear communication, I was able to drive the project to successful completion despite the challenges. This project not only contributed significantly to the company’s revenue growth but also reinforced our commitment to delivering reliable and efficient services.

This example highlights my ability to take full ownership of a critical project, navigate through significant challenges, and lead a cross-functional team to achieve strategic business goals.

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a month ago
In a recent project at my current company, PLM decided to go woth full fledge featurex, due to business requirements, in a single release which in a was overcommited given the capacity of the engineering team. But I took this as a challenge charted out the code completion, in-scrum testing, and PV testing forecast dates by working with different stakeholders involved. I also ensured that everyone involved has all the clarity for the requirements and scope, to avoid/minimize any reworks as the deadline was quite aggressive. Everone started working as per the sprint plan and i followed up about the progress in every checkpoint and standup meetings. 

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a month ago
Ownership can be demonstrated in various settings, such as in a professional environment where one is responsible for specific tasks or projects'. 

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a month ago
As I am lead I always take ownership of the tasks which are assigned by my higher managers. But I would like to highlight one incident which got me appreciation directly from the client. We had a project to integrate SSO with the client and the merchant applications and during that time my manager was on long leave and I took the responsibilities of the task and successfully launched it and we were the first team who achieve it first.

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2 months ago
  • Situation: In my role as a data engineer at [Healthcare Company], I was responsible for managing the data infrastructure for a critical healthcare analytics project. The project aimed to develop predictive models for identifying at-risk patients and improving care outcomes.
  • Task: During one phase of the project, we encountered a significant challenge with the data ingestion process. The data sources were diverse and often inconsistent, leading to delays and inaccuracies in our analytics. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, I took ownership of resolving this issue to ensure the project stayed on track and met its objectives.
  • Action: First, I conducted a thorough analysis of the data sources and identified discrepancies and inconsistencies that were causing the ingestion problems. I then collaborated closely with the data acquisition team and domain experts to develop data validation scripts and standardized data formats to address these issues at the source.
Next, I redesigned the data ingestion pipeline to incorporate robust error handling mechanisms and automated data quality checks. This involved writing custom scripts and configuring monitoring alerts to detect anomalies and ensure data integrity throughout the ingestion process.
Additionally, I took the initiative to document the entire data ingestion workflow, including troubleshooting procedures and escalation paths, to facilitate knowledge sharing and ensure continuity in case of future issues.
  • Result: As a result of my proactive approach and ownership mentality, we were able to resolve the data ingestion issues promptly and improve the overall reliability and efficiency of the analytics project. The redesigned pipeline reduced data processing errors and improved the accuracy of our predictive models, leading to more actionable insights for healthcare providers.
Furthermore, my documentation efforts ensured that team members had clear guidance on how to address similar issues in the future, enabling smoother operations and reducing downtime.
  • Impact: By taking ownership of the data ingestion challenge and driving the resolution process, I demonstrated my commitment to the success of the project and my ability to proactively identify and address issues to ensure project objectives are met. My actions helped maintain project momentum, instilled confidence among stakeholders, and ultimately contributed to the project's success in improving healthcare outcomes.

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2 months ago
ADM had no user researcher in the past and I got pulled into a adoption email campaign and helped boosted the adoption. But in the study i found there's a perceived value gap so I initiated further collaboration after the adoption campaign to ensure the perceived value is delivered in ADM. I did survey and interviews to find main pain points inside ADM, and came up with the uber dashboard idea to resolve the messy alerting system by task driven widgets on the dashboard based on the feedback. Even though I wasn't the assigned researcher and no one support that product, I took it and own it and ADM had the best customer review after the big changes based on my research

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2 months ago
  • Situation: In my role as a data engineer at [Healthcare Company], I was responsible for managing the data infrastructure for a critical healthcare analytics project. The project aimed to develop predictive models for identifying at-risk patients and improving care outcomes.
  • Task: During one phase of the project, we encountered a significant challenge with the data ingestion process. The data sources were diverse and often inconsistent, leading to delays and inaccuracies in our analytics. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, I took ownership of resolving this issue to ensure the project stayed on track and met its objectives.
  • Action: First, I conducted a thorough analysis of the data sources and identified discrepancies and inconsistencies that were causing the ingestion problems. I then collaborated closely with the data acquisition team and domain experts to develop data validation scripts and standardized data formats to address these issues at the source.
Next, I redesigned the data ingestion pipeline to incorporate robust error handling mechanisms and automated data quality checks. This involved writing custom scripts and configuring monitoring alerts to detect anomalies and ensure data integrity throughout the ingestion process.
Additionally, I took the initiative to document the entire data ingestion workflow, including troubleshooting procedures and escalation paths, to facilitate knowledge sharing and ensure continuity in case of future issues.
  • Result: As a result of my proactive approach and ownership mentality, we were able to resolve the data ingestion issues promptly and improve the overall reliability and efficiency of the analytics project. The redesigned pipeline reduced data processing errors and improved the accuracy of our predictive models, leading to more actionable insights for healthcare providers.
Furthermore, my documentation efforts ensured that team members had clear guidance on how to address similar issues in the future, enabling smoother operations and reducing downtime.
  • Impact: By taking ownership of the data ingestion challenge and driving the resolution process, I demonstrated my commitment to the success of the project and my ability to proactively identify and address issues to ensure project objectives are met. My actions helped maintain project momentum, instilled confidence among stakeholders, and ultimately contributed to the project's success in improving healthcare outcomes.

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2 months ago

There was a situation last year when designing search functionality with in user messages was required, a staff engineer came up with an idea that pretty much requires writing from scratch using a trie + cache approach. I told him that we should rather use elastic search. I then explained to him that while his approach was innovative, it would require a significant amount of time and resources to implement. On the other hand, using elastic search, a proven technology, would allow us to achieve the same results more efficiently and with less risk. He was able to understand the bigger picture and eventually updated the design.

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Interview question asked to Program Managers, Network Engineers, Frontend Engineers and other roles interviewing at OneWeb, Articulate, Peek and others: Tell me about a time when you showed ownership.