
Can you create a function undefinedToNull(), ensuring it converts all undefined values in an object to null?

Frontend Engineer






Gas Powered Games

Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Can you create a function undefinedToNull(), ensuring it converts all undefined values in an object to null?
  • How would you go about writing undefinedToNull(), a function that transforms undefined object values to null?
  • Describe the process of developing undefinedToNull(), which should alter undefined object values to null.
  • Could you demonstrate how to build undefinedToNull(), converting undefined elements in an object to null?
  • In developing undefinedToNull(), how would you ensure every undefined value in an object is changed to null?
  • What strategy would you use to implement undefinedToNull() to switch undefined object values to null?
  • Explain your approach to crafting undefinedToNull(), aimed at substituting undefined object values with null.
  • What steps would you follow in implementing undefinedToNull(), ensuring undefined values in an object become null?
  • In creating undefinedToNull(), how would you handle the replacement of undefined values in an object with null?
  • Implement a function undefinedToNull() that takes an input object and returns a copy of the object where all undefined values are replaced with null.

Interview question asked to Frontend Engineers interviewing at Malwarebytes, Airbnb, Siemens and others: Can you create a function undefinedToNull(), ensuring it converts all undefined values in an object to null?.