Program SenseProgram Management
Suppose you face a delay in your first milestone - how will you deal with this?
5 months ago
I think the most probable thing to do is to find out the Root cause of the delay. To check which area of work did not turn out to be well . Once we know the root cause, the next step being what suitable measures, we could think of to make sure we take the preventive steps to avoid any such delay in future, One such scenario I could think about in my project is, client coming up with a feature change at a very later stage of sprint end. At this moment of time , when we are close to the sprint release, possible measures , we thought of discussing on the action items with the engineers and come up with suitable time line or if we could take the feature as an intermediate hotfix after the current release, so that the current release is not blocked.
8 months ago
First and foremost I would ensure to keep relevant stakeholders engaged with constant communication on the reason why I failed to reach the milestone. I would also apologize for the same and communicate a timeline when I would be able to deliver the same. Secondly, I would do a root cause analysis on why I failed to deliver the milestone and based on the issue, I would get the relevant resources to address the problem. If it is out of my team's control, I would communicate with the relevant team to see to it that we work across the two functional teams to solve the problem.
Interview question asked to candidates interviewing at top companies: Suppose you face a delay in your first milestone - how will you deal with this?.