
Share a recent experience where you failed to achieve success on a key metric and why?

Product Manager







Did you come across this question in an interview?



10 months ago
One time I was creating a calendar application to determine the availability between several friends. At the time I lacked proficiency of front end technologies and it was approaching the desired deadline. So I had to balance learning front end frameworks and implementation. However, I made a big error and didn't consider mobile compatibility. Due to this oversight, I created an application in which other mobile users had no application to look at and interact with. Thus, when the application was shared with friends, there was no working application, it was a failure. It was completely unreadable. From this situation, I had to apoligize to my friends for such a mistake. I proceeded to make html/css corrections to fit the applicatoin to a variety of mobile screens sizes. This experience taught me the importance of considering all user interfaces during the design phase, and I now make it a point to include mobile compatibility in my initial design plans.
  • Share a recent experience where you failed to achieve success on a key metric and why?
  • How and why did you fail to achieve success on a key metric recently?
  • Would you mind sharing a recent experience where you failed to achieve success? Why did this happen?
  • Tell us about a time you failed to meet a key metric and why?
  • Can you share an experience where you failed to accomplish a key metric and why?
  • Which of your recent projects failed to achieve success in a key metric and why?
  • Can you describe a recent experience where you did not meet your goals on a key metric and why?
  • When and why have you failed to achieve success on a key metric in the recent past?
  • Would you be willing to share a recent case where you failed to meet a key metric?

Interview question asked to Product Managers interviewing at Netflix, Juniper Networks, Imgur and others: Share a recent experience where you failed to achieve success on a key metric and why?.