Embedded CodingTechnical Knowledge

Between loops that count up from zero and those that count down to zero, which is more advantageous?

Embedded Engineer






NXP Semiconductors

Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Between loops that count up from zero and those that count down to zero, which is more advantageous?
  • Can you compare loops that count up from zero with those that count down to zero in terms of efficiency?
  • Which is more effective: a loop counting up from zero or a loop counting down to zero?
  • In your opinion, is a loop that counts up from zero better than one that counts down to zero?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of loops that count up from zero versus those that count down to zero?
  • Is there a significant difference in performance between loops that count up from zero and those that count down to zero?
  • How do you decide whether to use a loop that counts up from zero or one that counts down to zero?
  • In terms of coding efficiency, which is preferable: a loop that counts up from zero or one that counts down to zero?
  • Which type of loop do you find more effective: one that counts up from zero or one that counts down to zero?
  • Which loop is better: one that counts up from zero or one that counts down to zero?

Interview question asked to Embedded Engineers interviewing at STMicroelectronics, Lattice Semiconductor, Autodesk and others: Between loops that count up from zero and those that count down to zero, which is more advantageous?.