
Find longest substring without any repeated characters.

Data Scientist







Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Find longest substring without any repeated characters.
  • What is the approach to identify the longest unique character substring within a given string?
  • Can you devise an algorithm to extract the longest substring without duplicate characters from a string?
  • How would you go about finding the maximum-length substring with distinct characters in a string?
  • What method would you use to locate the longest sequence of non-repeating characters in a substring?
  • How do you compute the longest continuous substring with all unique characters in a string?
  • Could you outline a technique to search for the longest non-repeating character substring in a string?
  • What's the best way to find the longest substring that doesn't contain any repeated characters?
  • How do you ascertain the longest substring devoid of repeating characters within a string?
  • What algorithm finds the longest substring with distinct characters in a string?
  • How can you determine the longest substring in a string that contains no repeats?

Interview question asked to Data Scientists interviewing at NerdWallet, Bosch, Roofstock and others: Find longest substring without any repeated characters..