How do load balancers differ from reverse proxies, and in what scenarios would each be utilized?
Could you differentiate between the roles of a load balancer and a reverse proxy and their appropriate contexts?
What are the functional differences between a load balancer and a reverse proxy, and how do you decide when to use them?
In what situations would you choose a load balancer over a reverse proxy, and why?
How would you decide whether to implement a load balancer or a reverse proxy in a given infrastructure?
Can you contrast the use cases for load balancers and reverse proxies in network architecture?
What distinguishes a load balancer from a reverse proxy, and what are the use-case scenarios for each?
When it comes to managing web traffic, how do you determine whether to use a load balancer or a reverse proxy?
Could you explain the purposes of load balancers and reverse proxies and when each should be employed?
What is the distinction between utilizing a load balancer versus a reverse proxy in system design?
Can you explain the difference between a load balancer and a reverse proxy, and when you would use each one?