
How would you create a function to convert a nested list of integers into a flat list, and can you make an asynchronous version of this function using async/await?

Frontend Engineer






Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • How would you create a function to convert a nested list of integers into a flat list, and can you make an asynchronous version of this function using async/await?
  • Can you develop a function that flattens a nested integer list, and also provide an asynchronous variant using async/await?
  • What's your approach to writing a function that turns a nested list of integers into a single list, including an async/await version?
  • How do you plan to implement a function to flatten a nested list of integers, and also create an asynchronous version using async/await?
  • Could you outline a process for creating a function that flattens nested integer lists, and an asynchronous version using async/await?
  • What strategy would you employ to write a function that converts a nested list of integers into a single list, and also its async/await version?
  • How would you go about making a function to un-nest a list of integers, and also provide an async/await version of this function?
  • Can you explain your method for crafting a function that flattens nested integer lists, including an asynchronous version with async/await?
  • What technique would you adopt to develop a function that transforms a nested list of integers into a single list, along with an async/await variant?
  • Given a nested list of integers, write a function to flatten it into a single list. Implement an asynchronous version of the flatten list function using async/await.

Interview question asked to Frontend Engineers interviewing at Cisco, Acronis, Intel and others: How would you create a function to convert a nested list of integers into a flat list, and can you make an asynchronous version of this function using async/await?.