ML Knowledge

Can you walk me through the steps of constructing your own KNN classifier?

Machine Learning Engineer







Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Can you walk me through the steps of constructing your own KNN classifier?
  • How would you create a KNN classifier from scratch?
  • Could you demonstrate your ability to build a KNN classifier without assistance?
  • Would you be able to explain the process of building a KNN classifier on your own?
  • Is it possible for you to create a KNN classifier without relying on external resources?
  • How confident are you in your skills to construct a KNN classifier from scratch?
  • Would you be willing to demonstrate your understanding of KNN classifiers through construction?
  • What is your level of proficiency regarding the construction of a KNN classifier?
  • Do you have experience building KNN classifiers independently?
  • Could you showcase your skills in creating a KNN classifier from scratch?
  • Build a KNN classifier from scratch.

Interview question asked to Machine Learning Engineers interviewing at NetApp, Airtable, LogMeIn and others: Can you walk me through the steps of constructing your own KNN classifier?.