ML Knowledge

Could you elaborate on the treatment of categorical data when faced with high cardinality?

Data Scientist







Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Could you elaborate on the treatment of categorical data when faced with high cardinality?
  • What are the best practices for processing categorical data that has high cardinality?
  • How to deal with categorical data with high cardinality ?
  • How do you handle categorical features in your data that have a large number of distinct values?
  • Can you suggest effective methods for dealing with highly cardinal categorical data?
  • What are your approaches to address high cardinality in categorical datasets?
  • How would you approach the challenge of high-cardinality categorical data?
  • What techniques do you employ to manage categorical data with high cardinality?
  • How do you tackle the issue of high cardinality within categorical data fields?
  • What strategies would you recommend for managing categorical variables that exhibit high cardinality?

Interview question asked to Data Scientists interviewing at Stitch Fix, Bolt, Lattice and others: Could you elaborate on the treatment of categorical data when faced with high cardinality?.