Verilog Coding

Can you develop HDL code for a 3-state FSM (IDLE, READ, WRITE), with transitions based on the "op" input signal and a 4-clock-cycle return to IDLE?

Design Verification Engineer







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6 months ago
module fsm (
  input wire clk,         // Clock signal
  input wire reset_n,     // Active low reset
  input wire op,          // Operation signal: 0 for READ, 1 for WRITE
  output reg [1:0] state  // Current state of the FSM

  // Define states using parameters
  localparam [1:0] IDLE  = 2'b00,
                   READ  = 2'b01,
                   WRITE = 2'b10;

  reg [1:0] next_state;   // Next state logic
  reg [2:0] cycle_count;  // Counter for clock cycles (3-bit to count up to 4)

  // State transition logic (sequential logic)
  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin
    if (!reset_n) begin
      state <= IDLE;           // Reset to IDLE state
      cycle_count <= 3'b000;   // Reset cycle counter
    else begin
      state <= next_state;     // Update current state to next state
      if (state == READ || state == WRITE) begin
        cycle_count <= cycle_count + 1'b1;  // Increment counter in READ/WRITE
      else begin
        cycle_count <= 3'b000;  // Reset counter in IDLE state

  // Next state logic (combinational logic)
  always @(*) begin
    case (state)
      IDLE: begin
        if (op == 1'b0)
          next_state = READ;  // Go to READ state if op is 0
          next_state = WRITE; // Go to WRITE state if op is 1

      READ: begin
        if (cycle_count == 3'd3)
          next_state = IDLE;  // After 4 clock cycles, go back to IDLE
          next_state = READ;  // Remain in READ state until 4 cycles

      WRITE: begin
        if (cycle_count == 3'd3)
          next_state = IDLE;  // After 4 clock cycles, go back to IDLE
          next_state = WRITE; // Remain in WRITE state until 4 cycles

      default: next_state = IDLE;  // Default case to handle any invalid state


  • Can you develop HDL code for a 3-state FSM (IDLE, READ, WRITE), with transitions based on the "op" input signal and a 4-clock-cycle return to IDLE?
  • How would you code an HDL FSM with IDLE, READ, and WRITE states, transitioning based on "op" signal and reverting to IDLE after 4 cycles?
  • Could you script an HDL FSM with three states (IDLE, READ, WRITE) that moves based on "op" input and cycles back to IDLE after 4 ticks?
  • What approach would you take to write HDL for a FSM with IDLE, READ, and WRITE states, transitioning on "op" input and resetting after 4 cycles?
  • Can you construct HDL code for a FSM with states IDLE, READ, WRITE, transitioning on "op" and reverting to IDLE every 4 clock cycles?
  • How do you envision coding a HDL FSM with IDLE, READ, WRITE states, changing states on "op" input and returning to IDLE after 4 clock cycles?
  • In what manner would you draft HDL code for a FSM encompassing IDLE, READ, and WRITE, with state changes based on "op" and a 4-cycle reset to IDLE?
  • Can you formulate HDL for a FSM with states IDLE, READ, and WRITE, with transitions governed by "op" and a consistent return to IDLE every 4 cycles?
  • Could you demonstrate writing HDL for a FSM having IDLE, READ, and WRITE states, with transitions triggered by "op" and a 4-clock-cycle reset to IDLE?
  • Write HDL code for a FSM that has 3 states: IDLE, READ, and WRITE. The FSM should transition from IDLE to READ or WRITE based on an input signal called "op", which is 0 for READ and 1 for WRITE. Once in READ or WRITE state, the FSM should transition back to IDLE state after a fixed number of clock cycles (let's say 4 clock cycles).

Interview question asked to Design Verification Engineers interviewing at Samsung, Huawei, Autodesk and others: Can you develop HDL code for a 3-state FSM (IDLE, READ, WRITE), with transitions based on the "op" input signal and a 4-clock-cycle return to IDLE?.