Product Execution

Which product do you like? What metric would you track around it? How would you design an improvement?

Product Manager







Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Which product do you like? What metric would you track around it? How would you design an improvement?
  • Which product do you like? How would you improve it? What metrics would you track for it?
  • What is your favorite product? What improvements would you make? What would you do to make it better?
  • Are there any products that you like? If so, how would you improve them? What attributes would you improve?
  • Do you have a favorite product? How would you improve it? What metric would you use to track progress?
  • Tell me about a product you love. What would you improve in it, if you had a chance? What metrics would you use to track progress?
  • Tell me about a product you love. How would you track success for this product? What would you improve?
  • Tell me about a product you like. What problem does it solve? How would you improve that product? What metrics would you follow?
  • Is there a product you like? What metric would you track about it? How would you approach an improvement?

Interview question asked to Product Managers interviewing at Noon, Western Digital, Mindtree and others: Which product do you like? What metric would you track around it? How would you design an improvement?.