StatisticsML Knowledge

Could you differentiate between false positive and false negative in the context of statistical hypothesis testing? And could you please explain their implications?

Machine Learning Engineer




American Express



Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Can you break down the definitions of false positives and false negatives in statistical hypothesis testing, and their significance to the results obtained?
  • Can you define false positives and false negatives in statistical hypothesis testing, and their influence on the conclusions made?
  • Could you differentiate between false positive and false negative in the context of statistical hypothesis testing? And could you please explain their implications?
  • Could you lay out the meanings of false positives and false negatives in statistical hypothesis testing, and why they play a crucial role in interpreting the results?
  • Define false positive and false negative in statistical hypothesis testing, and explain their significance?
  • Explain false positives and false negatives in statistical hypothesis testing, and indicate why it's critical to understand them.
  • How would you define false positives and false negatives in statistical hypothesis testing, and their bearing on the final findings?
  • Kindly describe what false positives and false negatives are in the realm of statistical hypothesis testing, and what their importance is?
  • Please delineate what false positives and false negatives mean in statistical hypothesis testing and what they imply for the conclusions derived.
  • What are false positives and false negatives in statistical hypothesis testing, and why do they matter in research?
  • What are the meanings of false positives and false negatives in statistical hypothesis testing, and how do they affect the eventual outcomes?

Interview question asked to Machine Learning Engineers interviewing at Criteo, HubSpot, Samsung and others: Could you differentiate between false positive and false negative in the context of statistical hypothesis testing? And could you please explain their implications?.