Product SenseProduct Design

You are the PM of Facebook's News Feed. What would you do if you could come up with a brand new ranking algorithm? How would you start from scratch?

Product Manager




Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • You are the PM of Facebook's News Feed. What would you do if you could come up with a brand new ranking algorithm? How would you start from scratch?
  • What would you do if you were the PM of Facebook's News Feed? What would you do if you could come up with a brand new ranking algorithm from scratch?
  • Imagine you are responsible for Facebook's News Feed. What if you could imagine a brand new algorithm for ranking? How would you do it from scratch?
  • As the PM of Facebook's News Feed, how would you experiment with a completely new ranking algorithm? How would you build it from scratch?
  • As a PM in Facebook's News Feed, what would you do if you had to create a brand new ranking algorithm? How would you start from scratch?
  • Imagine being the head of Facebook's News Feed. What would you do if you could create a new ranking algorithm? Could you start from scratch?
  • As the PM of Facebook's News Feed, what would you do if you could come up with a brand new ranking algorithm? What steps would you take to get it right from scratch?
  • Would you start from scratch if you were the PM of Facebook's News Feed? How would you come up with an entirely new ranking algorithm from scratch?
  • If you were the PM of Facebook's news feed, what would you do if you were able to make a brand new algorithm? How would you start from scratch?

Interview question asked to Product Managers interviewing at Twitter, LinkedIn and Reddit: You are the PM of Facebook's News Feed. What would you do if you could come up with a brand new ranking algorithm? How would you start from scratch?.