
Calculate the probability that each of four people in an elevator will get off on a different floor, given that there are four floors in the building.

Data Scientist







Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Calculate the probability that each of four people in an elevator will get off on a different floor, given that there are four floors in the building.
  • What is the chance that each person in an elevator will get off on separate floors, given that the building is four stories high?
  • As per the given scenario, what are the odds that four people on an elevator will disembark on four different floors, assuming the building is four-stories-tall?
  • In a four-story building, suppose four people enter the elevator; what is the probability that they all exit on different floors?
  • What is the likelihood of four individuals on an elevator getting off on four different floors, given that the building they occupy has just four floors?
  • Can you calculate the chance that all four persons in an elevator will get off on unique floors, given that the building has only four floors?
  • What is the probability that four people on an elevator will depart on different floors assuming a four-story building?
  • Suppose there are four floors in a building and four people on an elevator; what is the likelihood that they will all get off on different levels?
  • Given four consenting adults on an elevator in a four-story building, what is the probability that they will each get off on a different floor?
  • Can you calculate the probability of the four individuals present in the elevator to get off on different floors, assuming that the building they're in has four floors?

Interview question asked to Data Scientists interviewing at Audible, Monzo, Whatsapp and others: Calculate the probability that each of four people in an elevator will get off on a different floor, given that there are four floors in the building..